For the past many years Kashmir eServices. has been a resource of information for millions of visitors across the country and around the world. They have trusted us to provide them with the most authoritative coverage of the news, views, Web-related features, travel, business, and almost everything in Kashmir. The combination of truthful content and an affluent audience of educated readers creates a powerful vehicle for advertisers. When you advertise with us you can expect better results. We also undertake Media Advertising services like NEWS Papers (local) Electronic Media (Radio / TV / FM 92.7), Hoardings, Kiosks, Banners all almost everything for successful a product launch. For more information please Contact US
Rates Per Insertion / |
700*300 Pixels Banners |
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Rs. |
400*150 Pixels Vertical |
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Rs. 15,000 |
150*400 Pixels Horizontal |
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Rs. 15,000 |
300*300 Pixels Banner on 05 |
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Rs. 10,000 |
Custom Size [per sq. cm |
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Rs. 2,000 |
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