• Tue. May 7th, 2024


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Hazrat Payam Uddin alias Baba Rishi

Sheikh Alam Noor Uddin Noorani impressed upon the Kashmiri intellectuals, powerful men, and rulers, the reality and importance of Islam. He employed discourses, discussions, debates, revelations and miracles for the…

Sultan-Ul-Arifeen Hazrat Sheikh Hamza Makhdum

Sheikh Hamza Makhdum, entitled Mehboob-Ul-Alam, and Sultan-Ul-Arifeen, was born to Baba Usman, of the Chandra-Vanshi Rajput family, a hereditary landlord, a scholar and a mystic saint of high order. Sheikh…

Sheikh-Ul-Alam Hazrat Noor-Uddin Wali

His year of birth is disputed. Some say it was 779 Hijri while others hold it as 757 Hijri. It is futile to go into the discussion here but under…

Sayed Abdul Qadir Jilani

Sayed Abdul Qadir Jilani The Great defender and the leader of the saints were born of pious parents of Hasani lineage, in the year 478 Hijri at Gilan in Persia.…

Hazrat Amir e Kabir Shah e Hamdan

Many saints came to the valley of Kashmir to preach and to propagate Islam, to name a few were: Bulbul Shah, Syed Jalal Uddin Bukhari, Syed Taj Uddin, Syed Hussain…

Interesting facts about the Kashmir Valley

Jammu and Kashmir is the northern most state in India. The state is Asia’s ‘Heaven on Earth’, rich in premium cash crops like walnuts and saffron, blessed with jaw-dropping natural…

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